DVD of Tried and True Tips Makes Boating Safe and Fun

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Time out on the water with family and friends should be fun, but it should also be safe. With more than three hours of video that includes nearly every subject pertaining to boating, the Encyclopedia of Boating DVD from Shurhold Industries spells out the Anchors to Zinc of how to make boating as fun and as safe as possible for everyone.

Hundreds of documents help even the most experienced boater brush up on all things boating, including pet first aid, towing procedures, cleaning guidelines and a safe boating checklist. Other subjects include electronics, props, mayday messages and more. There’s even a directory of over 4,000 unique boating names and an extra hour of bonus material.

Other features on the DVD include detailed illustrations of how to perform CPR, graphics pertaining to Morse Code, boating rules and expert fishing tips. Portions of the DVD are narrated by tournament fishermen, boatbuilders, a marine surveyor and a taxidermist.