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With so many options and formulas, picking the right wax for a boat can seem like a longshot. Shurhold Industries offers some easy steps to select the best product for the application. A video demonstrating these tips can be found at i-pick-the-right-wax-for-my-boat-car-or-rv/.
First, the wax is a coat of protection for a boat’s surface. This protection helps delay the natural oxidation of the surface caused by the environment and UV rays. All protectants used to be wax-based, which is why the process is known as waxing. Now, there are many forms of surface protection and many don’t have any wax in them at all.
Wash & Wax products claim to wash and wax the surface at the same time. However, no real effective protection is left behind. Owners are better off finding a soap that cleans well, protects the environment and doesn’t prematurely degrade the protective coating.
Cleaner Waxes include a mild abrasive in the protectant. It provides very light stain removal at the same time as waxing. Many of these products do work well. Unfortunately, when they are used owners end up cleaning the entire boat, even when and where it does not need it. There is a finite amount of gel coat or clear coat on a boat’s surface, so Shurhold recommends to use abrasive products only when and where they are needed.
Straight Paste Wax is the traditional form of protection. Requiring hours of buffing, these products have been upgraded over the years to be a bit easier to work with. In doing so, non-productive fillers such as talc have been added to the formulas. Buffing out these waxes results in the use of multiple towels to remove this powdery filler.
The latest category of protectants is Polymer Wax. Most are fully synthetic and actually have no natural wax in the formula. These liquid, cream-like products are very easy to work with, allowing owners to protect their finish in about half the time. Polymer protectants also have the benefits of the latest in technology additives. These formulas bond better with the surface, last longer and include true UV inhibitors.
Polymer wax can be thought of like reapplying sunblock. It’s better to save the second coat for later in the season. In northern climates with a shorter season, owners can apply to the surface twice a year. In southern and tropical areas, 3-4 times per year would be better.
When boaters find themselves in a sea of waxes, they can turn to Shurhold to help find the best polymer protectant. Shurhold’s Pro Polish repels water and provides a deep high gloss shine while protecting surfaces from the harsh effects of the sun with UV inhibitors.
Dedicated to educating boat owners, Shurhold provides key tips for boat value preservation at Inventor of the One Handle Does It All system, Shurhold manufactures specialty care items and accessories to clean, polish and detail.