With Shurhold, Gelcoat Restoration is Simple

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Exposed to UV rays and windborne dirt and salt, even a late-model boat can appear old and worn-out when its gelcoat turns dull and chalky. Washing and waxing aren't enough; it needs polishing—a task that's not as overwhelming as it seems. Shurhold offers a Clean-N-Simple Tip to quickly restore gelcoat to its original deep lustrous color and velvety slick finish.

The Shurhold Pro Rotary Polisher, and related high-quality products the company offers, make for an easy and organized project. Step one is to don appropriate eye protection. To prepare, the polisher pad, even if new, should be fluffed clean with a utility brush. This will ensure hardened debris and loose fibers don't interfere with the process or add scratches.

Users start with a clean and dry boat surface. Small Xs of Shurhold Buff Magic Compound are applied to a workable 2' x 2' section of the hull, deck or topside. The exclusive formula breaks down as it's used into everfiner particles, replacing expensive multi -step products. The Pro Rotary Polisher speed is set to a slow setting—around 1,600 rpm—and placed onto the surface and moved around before turning it on. This avoids slinging the material and making a mess.

The Shurhold Pro Rotary Polisher is switched on and worked in a left - to-right and then up-and-down parallel motion—never in a circular pattern. Each pass should have a slight overlap. The only pressure applied should be the weight of the machine itself. Once the Buff Magic disappears and the gloss is restored, a new section can be started. If the gelcoat is deeply oxidized, a second application may be needed. A video of the process is at www.bit.ly/UseRotaryPolisher .

With any polishing machine, the key is to keep it moving. This is especially true with the Shurhold Pro Rotary Polisher. A professional tool, it has 1,400 watts of power and is exceptionally powerful, but will complete the task in less time and with less elbow grease than if using a consumergrade unit. For owners hesitant about the power of this machine, Shurhold offers a complete range of polishers.

The Shurhold Pro Rotary Polisher features three different ergonomic grip styles to accommodate different angles and work preferences. A 7" Quick Change Backing Plate provides fast tool changes while a 20' power cord allows for uninterrupted work. EZ Clean mesh air intake vents and carbon brush ports make maintenance simple.

Once the boat is polished, it's important to add a protective layer such as Shurhold Pro Polish Wax & Sealant. The unique polymer-based formula doesn't contain fillers that will damage the restored surface. It provides a hard, durable finish with exceptional water-beading properties and UV resistance.

A 22 oz. jar of Buff Magic Compound costs $33.98; the Pro Rotary Polisher with tools and canvas storage bag is $199.98; a 100% pure twisted wool Buff Magic Compounding Pad is $26.98; and 16 oz. of Pro Polish Wax & Sealant sells for $19.98. Dedicated to educating boat owners, Shurhold provides key tips for boat value preservation at www.shurhold.com.

Inventor of the One Handle Does It All system, Shurhold manufactures specialty care item s and accessories to clean, polish and detail.

Contact Shurhold, 3119 SW 42nd Ave., Palm City, FL 34990. 800-962-6241; Fax: 772-286-9620. www.shurhold.com.