Get Rid of Greasy Fingerprints Around the Home!

Are you tired of looking at dirty fingerprints all over your home? How about the stains around your doorhandles and kitchen appliances? What about your electronic screens? If you're looking to clean these highly trafficked and touched areas and make them look new again, Shurhold has got you covered! 

Our aerosol cleaner, Serious Shine, is the perfect choice for this kind of detailing. It cleans, polishes, and protects in one easy step. Simply spray a small amount of the product on the area you want to clean and buff with a Microfiber Towel. It's just that simple.

Serious Shine works by lifting oils and grime from the surface while leaving a light unit-static barrier behind, which helps keep the surface cleaner for longer. Additionally, it's safe on virtually any non-porous surface. That includes electronics, kitchen hardware, mirrors, and more.

Until next time, we're here to help keep your home Clean-N-Simple!