Detail Your Boat Right at the Ramp!

Barry and Tiann Berhoff join Ship Shape TV with a solution to a common boating dilemma that many of us face on busy boating weekends. Let's say that you've just wrapped up a day on the water, but know you're going out again tomorrow. Or, you simply don't have the time to give your boat a full detail. That's no problem if you've got a fresh water tank! That and a few Shurhold products will make for a quick rinse right at the ramp.

Start by knocking the salt off your boat, motors, and trailer with the fresh water from your boat's tank. Once that's done, it's time to dry the boat to avoid water spots. Using any one of the Shurhold chamois products or Water Blade, you can dry the hull in no time at all. 

From there, you'll need to start removing any grime that accumulated from the day. Use our SMC on heavy or greasy stains. Those can be found at the boat's waterline or as remnants of food, drink, or fish messes on the top side. For the more sensitive surfaces, trust Serious Shine to leave a streak free finish. Focus on the touch screens and outboard motors for that chemical. Combine with a microfiber towel for the best results. 

There you have it! It's not difficult to leave the boat ramp ready for action the next day. Until next time, we're here to keep your boat Clean-N-Simple!