Learn How To Buff Using a Rotary Polisher!



If you want to get results as quickly and efficiently as a professional detailer, then a traditional Rotary Polisher is the choice for you. Today we’re going to teach you the basics of this machine so you too can restore heavily oxidized and dull finishes like a professional.

You may have heard that a Rotary Polisher can burn or leave swirls in your finish. While this is true, both of these issues are avoidable with a little diligence and practice. The keys to using a Rotary are to keep the pad moving and to keep the pad flat. As long as you can do those two things, you’ll master the tool in no time.

What you need:

  • Rotary Polisher

  • Wool Compounding Pad (YBP-3153)

  • Buff Magic

  • Spur or Brush to clean the pad

  • Microfiber Towels


Start by applying Buff Magic to the surface you’re working on. It’s best to work in moderate temperatures and out of direct sunlight. Make sure the pad is clean by using a stiff brush or spur to scour the top of the pad. NOTE: The Polisher should be on lowest speed setting for this step. That will remove any loose debris and prevent scratches in the surface. Before turning the machine on, spread the compound with the pad. Next, with the pad still touching the surface, turn the speed setting to 1600 RPM and start the machine.

As you work the Buff Magic in, keep the machine moving in an overlapping up and down / left and right pattern. This will keep the surface temperature from becoming too hot and work the area evenly. As the Buff Magic begins to break down and the color disappears, turn up the speed on the machine to 2600 RPM to emphasize the polishing stage of Buff Magic. This will result in a much deeper shine and smoother surface. Once the product has been completely broken down a shiny, oily haze will remain. Remove that with a clean Microfiber Towel. Use a little water if necessary as the leftovers can be difficult to remove in high heat. Your surface should now have a great reflection and be ready for wax! Repeat the process over the rest of your boat, taking your time to ensure proper technique and coverage. You’ll be amazed at the results when you do.

Until next time, Shurhold is here to keep your Car, Truck, Boat, or RV Clean-N-Simple!