Join Shurhold Industries' Tiann Berhoff and John Greviskis of Ship Shape TV as they break down a whole new set of her favorite boating tips! Learn new ways to use Shurhold products around the home and with the family.
For example, did you know that Buff Magic can be used to restore your stainless pots and utensils? Our famous compound also works as a metal polish, so it's perfect for removing any built up soot or light rust.
What about using one of our rope handle buckets as a mobile washing station? With the right gear, you can take care of all the dirty laundry that accumulates when the family stays onboard, without the need for a stop at a marina laundromat. How about using that same bucket as an easy to carry cooler to bring your drinks to the beach or out to the sandbar? Or maybe as a dive station for your crew of snorkelers?
Finally, Tiann demonstrates a few uses for our Water Blade outside of cleaning windows and isinglass. No water spot is safe!
Until next time, Shurhold is here to help keep your boat, car, truck, or RV Clean-N-Simple!