Six Cleaning Tips for Effective and Easy Washing




Six quick tips for a better washing experience:

1. Always rinse down the area to be cleaned prior to washing. This helps remove any loose surface grime preventing you from scrubbing it into the finish.

2. “Dirty” rain can leave black streaks. Try to wash them off immediately. The sooner you do it, the easier they will be to remove.

3. Less is more when it comes to mixing soap with water. Too much soap will make it hard to rinse leaving soap scum.

4. Wash early or late in the day, avoiding intense sunlight will make it easier to clean because the areas you are working on won’t dry too quickly.

5. Once everything is clean, wax or polish it to make the next cleaning easier. Keep a good coat of wax on all metal hardware to prevent corrosion. You’ll recoup the cost of all the cleaning, polishing and waxing products you use in your investment’s resale value. This should be done every few months.

6. Wash once a week if the boat sits outside. Like the black streaks in tip #2, cleaning will be far easier if stains aren’t left to accumulate.