Clean those hard to reach windows with Shurhold!




Shurhold has 30 Projects over 30 days for you to tackle while you're on lockdown at home! Today's task covers cleaning any hard to reach windows around your home using our telescopic handles. Get a streak free finish using the same tools you use to make your boat look its best!

To reach the highest windows in your home, consider using our 9ft Telescopic Handle. It's light enough to still use at full extension while scrubbing above your head. Additionally, you'll need a Lambs Wool Pad, Brite Wash, and the ability to rinse the windows after they have been scrubbed clean. A Soft Deck Brush would also work in place of the Lambswool Pad. Finally, you'll need a Squeegee attachment for a streak free shine.

Start by mixing the Brite Wash. You'll need 3oz of soap to every two gallons of water for a proper mixture. It's now time to scrub the windows. Make sure you emphasize the corners with a little extra scrubbing as they can be harder to clean. Now, rinse them throughly with fresh water and swap out the Lambs Wool for the Squeegee. Working from top to bottom, pull the water off the windows one section at a time. There you have it! Clean windows for the home has never been easier. 

Until next time, Shurhold is here to help you keep your home Clean-N-Simple!