Shrimp And Shad Dip Net
Shrimp And Shad Dip Net
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4.17 / 5.0
(6) 6 total reviews
Shrimp And Shad Dip Net
Shrimp And Shad Dip Net
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4.17 / 5.0
(6) 6 total reviews
Convert your Shurhold Handle into the perfect shrimping net! Easily scoop up shrimp or live bait while keeping them in healthy condition for use as bait later.
A Shrimp & Bait Dip Net with a fine mesh netting. Perfect so smaller objects won't slip through the holes.
17" x 20"

So, I am impressed with the the net, not so much it does NOT come with the elongated collapsible stick...for $60, it should have included the stick... I now have a net with No stick forcing me to either return or buy a stick. Then I found out the length only comes to 60 inches (5 feet).... sorry guys, not impressed
Good quality net, well designed too
Solid construction. I will echo other reviewer and suggest dark netting option. Still functional and is.
As a shrimp: The net has to much resistance to the running water. The net scares the shrimp away due to it being bright white. Also, you can;t see if the shrimp is going into the net. My recommendation to Shurhold is to modify thier net as follows to be a totally awesome Shrimp net! Use a clear mono net of about 3/8 to 1/2 inch mesh. I would love to test thier product with these changes. I think it would be a 5 star product.
As a shrimp net I find that the net matrial is to fine to fine, because it has to much resistance to the water when dripped into the running water. A clear mono net would be much better. Also the bright white net material scares the shrimp away when you place it in the water. Another point is that you can't see if the Shrimp is going into the net because the net is not see through. I recommend that they make these changes if they want to sell this as a Shrimpping net. I have no comment on it as a Shad net.
Have not had a chance to use it. Soon, we'll be on our way to the keys so no doubt it will be used.