Learn how to Simplify your Docking Process


We all know that docking the boat is often the most stressful part of the day. The wind is blowing, your berth is small, and a crowd of people always seem to be watching. That may not be a problem for a seasoned crew, but what if you have family or guests on board? Keep docking easy and stress free with our Dock-A-Reni!

Simply attach the Dock-A-Reni to any Shurhold Handle in combination with our Boat Hook. Now you can create a loop that will easily extend and slip over any piling. Pull the line tight to secure the piling. You’re done! Make sure to watch the video for a more hands on demonstration.

Shurhold has plenty of creative attachments for our “One Handle Does it All” system. Make sure to check out our entire Shurhold System. Until next time, keep it CLEAN-N-SIMPLE.