Compounding with Buff Magic and our Polisher


One of the questions I get asked the most is what is the proper procedure for compounding using Buff Magic on the boat.

So let's take a look at what we need and how to do this.  Before we begin make sure you have:


Start by setting up your polisher with a clean wool Buff Magic Pad.  These wool pads are more aggressive and work in connection with our Buff Magic compound very well.  Regardless if the pad is brand new or used and cleaned we want to fluff it and knock out any extra fuzz with our pad fluffing brush.

We will work in small 2-foot square areas at a time and move on as we finish each area.

Using your chip brush we want to apply a series of X’s to the surface.  Do not apply the product to the pad as this will cause premature overloading and clumping of the pad.  Once the product is on the surface place the pad face on the surface and turn on the machine.  We want to start at a speed setting of 3.

The reason we start with the pad on the surface before turning it on or off, this helps reduce slinging and mess of the product.

As soon as the machine is on, we want to keep it moving using the following overlapping pattern.  You do not want to apply a lot of pressure.  On a horizontal surface, the weight of the machine is enough.  On a vertical surface, you want to apply light pressure.  Once we have done that pattern, we will do it again in the opposite direction.  You should slowly move through this pattern set a couple of times over 2-3 minutes.  As I go into the last pass of the pattern I like to speed up the tool to a 4 or 5.  Remember to turn the tool off before picking it up.

Now use a microfiber towel to remove all the haze and excess material.  If the surface has that showroom shine you are looking for then you are all set to go on to your next area.  If not, you have a deeper level of oxidation and you may have to repeat these steps a few more times.

When I go to my next area I like to overlap the last area by about 6 inches to make sure I do not miss any spots.  Also, I make it a habit of fluffing the pad between each area.  This will help keep the pad for getting to matted down and stop working.

Here are a couple of more tips and pitfalls to avoid:

  • Do not use too much product, less is more
  • Once the pad has been primed, do not apply the product directly to the pad.
  • Always work a small section at a time and remove excess compound immediately


Removing oxidation and bringing out a showroom shine will enhance the beauty and value of your boat.  Don’t forget once you are done you sill still need to put a protective coating on the surface to prevent premature oxidation in the future.  With a little time and patience, you can detail like the pros.

Until next time keep your boat CLEAN-N-SIMPLE!